Système de distribution snap

Création : Debian 10.1 / Buster

snap est un système de distribution de logiciel linux développé par Canonical. Une application installée par snap

Références :


1 - Installation

$ sudo aptitude install snapd
$ snap version
snap 2.42.1
snapd 2.42.1
series 16
debian 10
kernel 5.2.0-3-amd64
$ snap list
No snaps are installed yet. Try 'snap install hello-world'.
$ sudo snap install hello-world
2019-11-08T22:07:54+01:00 INFO Waiting for restart...
hello-world 6.4 from Canonical✓ installed
$ snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
core 16-2.42.1 8039 stable canonical✓ core
hello-world 6.4 29 stable canonical✓ -

2 - Lancement

$ which hello-world

$ /snap/bin/hello-world
Hello World!
$ hello-world
Command 'hello-world' is available in '/snap/bin/hello-world'
The command could not be located because '/snap/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
hello-world: command not found
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
$ hello-world
Hello World!

3 - Principe

$ ls -lh /var/lib/snapd/snaps/
total 325M
-rw------- 2 root root 55M nov. 8 23:35 core18_1265.snap
-rw------- 2 root root 90M nov. 8 22:07 core_8039.snap
-rw------- 2 root root 20K nov. 8 22:07 hello-world_29.snap
$ lsblk -f |grep squashfs
loop0 squashfs 0 100% /snap/core/8039
loop2 squashfs 0 100% /snap/hello-world/29

4 - Recherches

$ snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
core 16-2.42.1 8039 stable canonical✓ core
hello-world 6.4 29 stable canonical✓ -
$ snap find
No search term specified. Here are some interesting snaps:

Name Version Publisher Notes Summary
gimp 2.10.12 snapcrafters - GNU Image Manipulation Program
spotify spotify✓ - Music for everyone
skype skype✓ classic One Skype for all your devices. New features. New look. All Skype.
darktable 2.6.2snap1 kyrofa - Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
keepassxc 2.5.0 keepassxreboot - Community driven port of the “Keepass Password Safe”
syncthing 1.3.1 syncthing✓ - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
Provide a search term for more specific results.
$ snap find radio
Name Version Publisher Notes Summary
spotify spotify✓ - Music for everyone
odio 1.4.0 meniedri1 - odio is a free radio streaming software for Windows, MacOs and Linux.
noson 3.15.2.snap janbar - The essential to control music from your SONOS devices
flexran 1.1 mosaic-5g - FlexRAN SD-RAN platform
tizonia 0.18.0 tizonia - Cloud music from the Linux terminal
get-iplayer 3.22 snapcrafters - CLI for downloading content from BBC iplayer
gqrx-lool 2.6.1 lool - Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt
cubicsdr-casept 0.2.2 casept - A Software-Defined Radio application. READ DESCRIPTION FOR INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS
jimbodicomviewer 2.0 axel - Visualization of DICOM images - 2D and 3D tools
olivia 1.0 keshavnrj - Elegant Cloud Music Player for Linux Desktop
radiomanager-cli 1.0.104 cas-pluxbox - Bash RadioManager client
qrq 0.3.1 bh1scw - QRQ - yet another CW trainer (Linux, Unix, OS X, Windows)
pyradio 0.7.9 snapcrafters - Command line internet radio player.
somafm-qt master fredix - SomaFM Radio ( player (desktop, qt5)
radiotray-ng 0.2.6 dafanasiev - An Internet radio player for Linux
rfcat-phocean commit-109f887 jc-baptiste - Rfcat
$ snap info spotify
name: spotify
summary: Music for everyone
publisher: Spotify✓
license: Proprietary
description: |
Love music? Play your favorite songs and albums free on Linux with Spotify.
stable: 2019-07-22 (36) 189MB -
candidate: 2019-07-29 (38) 196MB -
beta: ↑
edge: 2019-07-29 (38) 196MB -

5 - Installations, suppression et mises à jour

$ sudo snap install opera
opera 64.0.3417.92 from Opera (opera-software✓) installed
$ snap info <nom_application>
$ sudo snap install --classic <nom_application>
$ sudo snap refresh
All snaps up to date.
$ sudo snap refresh hello-world
snap "hello-world" has no updates available
$ sudo snap remove hello-world
hello-world removed